These past few weeks have been busy! We completed the Oak Savanna fire monitoring plots in record time. Having 3 extra people (the YCC helped out) really sped things along! Speaking of fire, we also watched another prescribed burn, as well as mapped a few more fire monitoring plots on the GPS.
Wood Duck Traps
We also set up traps so that we can band and release wood ducks. Sally has been monitoring the traps, but so far most of the ducks that we've caught have been too small to band. Better luck next year!
I had a leech on my waders when we came back from setting the wood duck traps. It was the first time I'd ever come into contact with a live one, so of course we had to take a picture!
As far as water goes, we've also cleared the dam on Bohm Pool a couple times in the past few weeks. Those pesky beavers are persistent!
I also helped Sally monitor vegetation for Minnesota'a PCA's (Pollution Control Agency) WHEP (Wetland Health Evaluation Program). This, in conjunction with the invertebrate data we gathered earlier, will help us to "grade" Sherburne's wetlands for quality!
I've also been doing some more invasive species mapping. This time it's Thistle! It's mostly on the road sides. It's also near most water impoundment structures, because the dirt there was brought in from outside the refuge and probably had the seeds in it.
Other projects include installing the identification cards on the forb garden, trail maintenance, attending an environmental education presentation on soil, and washing cars!
I used to get really annoyed having to walk through raspberry bushes because of the thorns. Now that there's fruit, I don't mind as much! Doesn't get much fresher than that!
Spawn of Satan
Someone brought this horse fly into headquarters a little while back. It's bigger than my face. I hope you weren't planning on sleeping later, 'cause this thing will haunt your dreams. With that being said, goodnight!
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