"Nature is not a place to visit. It is home."
This summer, I am completing a 13-week internship at Sherburne National Wildlife Refuge (NWR) in Zimmerman, Minnesota. The refuge system is managed by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), which is a part of the Department of the Interior. I applied to this internship through the Student Conservation Association's (SCA) Career Discovery Internship Program (CDIP). In addition to my 12 weeks on site, the program includes a week long orientation, which was held at Ding Darling NWR on Sanibel Island, Florida.
A sea turtle skull
Our days at Ding Darling were packed with good information and adventure! Our classroom time was spent learning about how to navigate within USFWS and SCA, as well as how to have a successful summer. The fun part was outdoors though: we did a beach cleanup, some hiking, small mammal trapping, and took a 2-hour kayaking trip!
Sharon and Gisella
The entire week at Ding Darling, we were surrounded by FWS staff who were always ready to answer questions and share their story. We got a lot of great advice that I think will definitely help this summer as well as further into my career.
Dr. Mamie Parker & Vicki Sherry
Dr. Mamie Parker, who recently retired from the Service, was our keynote speaker. Hearing her story was very inspirational; it was an honor to meet her.
Through the CDIP program, interns also get a mentor to help answer any questions, give advice, and support them during their internship. Vicki Sherry, my mentor, is the wildlife biologist at Minnesota Valley NWR. She's super nice!
2013 CDIP Interns at Ding Darling NWR
After my week at Ding Darling, I moved into a farmhouse where I'll be staying for the duration of the summer. There are a ton of animals around, including peafowl, hens and roosters, dogs, a cow, and a goat! The farmhouse is right outside of Saint Cloud, so there'll be plenty to do in my off time! I also want to hit up the Mall of America while I'm here, and maybe find some good fishing spots!
My Supervisor, Mr. Anthony Hewitt
I was really nervous for my first day at Sherburne, but there turned out to be nothing to worry about. Everyone at the refuge is super nice, knowledgable, and helpful. I've only been to work three days and I already feel like I've learned a lot. This summer is going to be intense, but also a lot of fun!
My Jeep!
A good portion of my first day was spent completing a defensive driving course. Which, in addition to saving me money on car insurance, also enabled me to get a GOVERNMENT ISSUED VEHICLE. Talk about job perks!
In the past few days, I've toured the refuge (including the main headquarters and shop), helped with a visiting school group tour, and begun reviewing Sherburne's CCP (Comprehensive Conservation Plan). Today I helped Sally, one of our Bio-techs, with water level readings and adjustments around the refuge. The refuge is well equipped with impoundments that can be manipulated to change water levels in the pools. Tomorrow I'm leading the taking of the water level readings! Phew!
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