Friday, May 24, 2013

Week 1 (end)

St. Francis Pool Impoundment  

Yesterday and today I was in charge of checking the water levels on St. Francis and Long Pools. We do this to make sure we keep water moving through the system at a rate that supports the biological goals we have for the refuge. With all the rain we've had this week, we wound up raising the gate on St. Francis a few inches to let some more water flow. Yesterday I had Kris, a bio-tech, with me to help, but today I checked levels all by myself! 

Red Wing Shoes

Yesterday I also got my own pair of work boots! Basically, our safety protocol requires us to have steel toe shoes for a good portion of the work activities we complete. Besides being super comfortable and supportive, I think they're cute!

Tyler and the UTV! 

This morning, I helped Tyler, one of the refuge's maintenance men, with trail maintenance. We rode around looking for downed trees that were blocking the path on Blue Hill Trail. Tyler cut them up into more manageable pieces, and it was my job to help throw said pieces into the woods, out of the way of hikers.

I've seen a good amount of wildlife in my first week here! We saw a Bald Eagle while out working today! I couldn't get a good picture, but I've been assured that that won't be the last one I see this summer (there are 14 eagle nests around the refuge). Tyler also spotted two turtles (one snapping and one Blanding's) sunning themselves in a small pool. I've also seen deer, turkey, Canadian Geese, Trumpeter Swan, foxes (up at Crane Meadows), and a myriad of songbirds, whose names I hope to learn better this summer. I think my favorite sighting thus far is a river otter I saw earlier in the week; it ran across the road and just swam away! 

Stickney Pool

In the afternoon, I spent some more time getting familiar with the refuge. The above picture is from Wildlife Drive.

Jesco and Mya

Abby and Ruben

These are some of the animals my landlord maintains at the farmhouse. They're all very sweet!

Today marks the end of my first week at Sherburne! Wow, that went by fast! Eleven more weeks to go! Stay tuned for more excitement and adventure to come!

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